PRESS: “Applause for the bright energy of SIGNUM and Martynas Levickis ”
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PRESS: “Applause for the bright energy of SIGNUM and Martynas Levickis ”

“[…] Loud exaltation following the first piece on stage by SIGNUM saxophone quartet during their concert on Thursday night. The Big Hall of the Theatre was full with different audiences, which – lost in their admiration for Bach’s Italian concert – decided to ignore the established rule not to clap after each piece and loudly applauded the musicians during the whole concert […] The saxophone quartet and the magic of the accordionist presented to the audience a true miracle. Vivaldi’s “For Seasons” and Piazzolla’ s “Four Seasons of Buenos Aires” sounded like a faithful curtsy to the authors, combined with a delicate and artistic banter in the interpretation….”