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David was part of the group from the beginning on and lived that dream with us.
He dreamed, dedicated his whole life to this, travelled thousands of kilometers with us and opened his soul more than 500 times on stage.
But at this point our paths seperate from each other. David decided to go on his own way.

We thank you for your (sometimes unconventional) ideas, your vigor and your spirit and dreams.
You made SIGNUM to what it is nowadays! We wish you all the best for your future.
Alan, Erik & Blaz


David Brand

Sich kennenlernen.
Das erste mal sehen,
riechen, hören.

Irgendwie komisch und schon verdammt lange her.

Wir haben sehr viel zusammen gelernt.
Wir kennen uns schon unser ganzes halbes Leben.
Der Tag beginnt früh – wir kennen einander nur flüchtig.
Blicke und Gedanken.
Bald Träume und Wünsche.
Immer getragen von Hoffnung.

Uns liegt die Welt zu Füßen.
Wir nehmen immer gerne von ihr.
Doch mehr noch geben wir.
Mit vereinten Kräften.

Am späten Vormittag dann der erste Schock.
Weit weg von zuhause.
Zusammen und alleine wissen wir:
Es geht immer weiter.

Zusammen und vereint.
Jeder gibt alles.
Auf seine einzigartige Weise.

Zwischen Liebe und Hass wandeln wir.
Ein schmaler, vierspuriger Pfad.
Ungleichmäßig und immer enger wird er mit der Zeit.

Manches, Einiges, Alles
Manche, Einige, Alle
hinter sich.

Für das, was vor uns liegt.

Umso heller das Licht der Scheinwerfer am Horizont erstrahlt,
umso dunkler wird auch der Schatten,
den es hinter und um uns abwirft.

Ein Schatten, der beinahe bedrohlich wirken kann.

Die Sonne über Euch
hat ihren Zenit noch lange
nicht erreicht.

Die Sonne über mir
ist in dieser Illusion
am Horizont schon beinahe verglimmt.

Tagtäglich entstehen neue Sonnen.


nicht zuletzt die Realität,
die wir uns selbst erschaffen.

Unsere Welt verändert sich.
Das Leben verändert sich
und auch

In jeder Sekunde unseres Lebens,
kann es wieder soweit sein …

Manchen macht es Angst.
Manchen gibt es ein Gefühl von Hoffnung.

Bei den meisten wird es wohl eine Mischung aus Beidem sein.

Letztendlich hält es uns jedoch am Leben, denn:

Leben bedeutet Veränderung.

Ich bin froh und sehr dankbar,
in den letzten zehn Jahren
einem zukünftigen Mythos
ganz nah gewesen zu sein.

I belive in you
I support you
You made me what I am
full of humanity.

Pablo Picasso:

„I wanted to become an artist –
and I became a human beeing.“

Leipzig im Februar 2016


One day before the concert in Ljubljana, we had the possibility to get to know young saxophonists from Conservatory and University in Ljubljana.
If I am getting precise, 2 beautiful quartets and soloists! Let us say even better, amazing People!!! you will not believe it, but they play for us.- It was great!
So much energy and joy making music together and let us be honest – so good in shape that I thought, that they will play until after tomorrow.
But,… I have to say something.
I do not like the word teacher. I do not like it at all. It is way to conservative, although maybe there are some philosophers out there, who are going to say, that the first philosophers were teachers already.
Coach sounds better. But still… Someone is going to say, that it is only in football to be a Coach, to get coached. So I suggest- If you like the word Coach or not – decide it alone!
It reminds me on Motivator. But as the word say, the Motivator should motivate. So I do not like it anymore. Why? Because it is not honest. In my opinion Motivator should sometimes also demotivate in order to motivate. And you see. I do not like this word as well.
So guys, should we give up and say to him Motivator?
No, never give up. Let us say to him
– a Chance.
Chance and possibility(the word is way to long!!!)
The Chance to give some small Inspiration, some pepper and salt,some chilly, some good or bad Sound- an idea. To create atmosphere what was before and what will happen after it. To believe.
And on the other had the possibility(not to Long anymore!) to be enlarged, to be taken, to could not believe what for beautiful sounds they play together.
It was this feeling in Ljubljana one day before the concert!
Honestly I got pretty nervous before this concert, beacuse it is my home town in the most beautiful country in the world. But after hearing this amazing musicians one day before, I knew it. I will not screw it up! They gave so much power and Inspiration.
That is why I want to say thanks to beautiful talents in Ljubljana.
Hope to hear you all soon (thanks for recordings) and to meet up for a coffee again.

yours, alan


A collabaroation is always different – hard enough to keep our four opinions together… but sometimes you meet artists and you know recently you want – you have! – to work together.
That’s what happened in the case of our collaboration with composer, sounddesigner and pianist Nils Frahm.
I met him at one of his Gigs in Michelberger Hotel Berlin a few month ago and by the way: this place was so fantastic! He presented a new Piano open-air to the audience. When he started to play and his music was melting with the surrounding nature sounds – created mainly by the wind and the birds – it was an absolutely unique and mindblowing atmosphere in the air. Silence got a new meaning for me on that evening…
After the concert we talked a lot about music and life. He is really fanatic about sound and its possibilities… I showed him some of our recodings and we made plans for a little jam on the next day, where we developed the idea to collaborate in the Cologne Philharmonic Hall on his track “hammers”. We arranged it together and he gave us a lot of space for individual things and improvisation-stuff.
When I arrived in the Phil yesterday, I could hardly remeber where I am. He builded up an xtraodinary black setting – even with perfect lights surrounding us.
After we played some bars together…it just happened and developed on it’s own way.
Big Thank you to Nils and of course his fantastic audience. I am sure it was not the last concert together!
Music, Peace and Love to all of you and hopefully we see again soon!

David Brand