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A collabaroation is always different – hard enough to keep our four opinions together… but sometimes you meet artists and you know recently you want – you have! – to work together.
That’s what happened in the case of our collaboration with composer, sounddesigner and pianist Nils Frahm.
I met him at one of his Gigs in Michelberger Hotel Berlin a few month ago and by the way: this place was so fantastic! He presented a new Piano open-air to the audience. When he started to play and his music was melting with the surrounding nature sounds – created mainly by the wind and the birds – it was an absolutely unique and mindblowing atmosphere in the air. Silence got a new meaning for me on that evening…
After the concert we talked a lot about music and life. He is really fanatic about sound and its possibilities… I showed him some of our recodings and we made plans for a little jam on the next day, where we developed the idea to collaborate in the Cologne Philharmonic Hall on his track “hammers”. We arranged it together and he gave us a lot of space for individual things and improvisation-stuff.
When I arrived in the Phil yesterday, I could hardly remeber where I am. He builded up an xtraodinary black setting – even with perfect lights surrounding us.
After we played some bars together…it just happened and developed on it’s own way.
Big Thank you to Nils and of course his fantastic audience. I am sure it was not the last concert together!
Music, Peace and Love to all of you and hopefully we see again soon!

David Brand